Sunday, October 23, 2011

Australia's Great Barrier Reef

On Friday, our class was discussing Australia's Great Barrier Reef.  We talked about where the reef is (it's in the upper right corner near Cairns).
We also talked about the Giant Clams that call the reef their home.

After some research, I found this interesting page on National Geographic's website that gave some great information about these interesting bivalves!

Also, here's a video:

Some giant clam facts:
  • they are the largest mollusks on earth and can get to be 4 feet tall
  • they cannot catch a human swimmer
  • for a while in history, people used to eat this clam but then too many clams were disappearing, so now it's protected
Look at its size compared to an adult!


Let me know if you find any more interesting animals from the Great Barrier Reef!

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