Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Another Solar System Video!

Bill Nye the Science Guy (here's a link to his webpage) shows the distance between the planets if they were to scale. It's crazy! Check it out!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Club-Winged Manakin

Yesterday I showed you a video of the club winged manakin. Here's a video of this amazing bird as it makes sounds with its WINGS!

There is also a different type of manakin that "moonwalks" like Michael Jackson. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Night Sky Sights This Past Weekend

On Saturday, February 25th, if you looked up at the sky, you would have seen this: Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus, all next to a beautiful crescent moon.  I wish that I had known about this celestial event sooner because I would have let you guys know to check it out!
Mercury would have only been visible for a little bit after the sun set.  Why do you think that it doesn't stay in the night sky for very long?  (Hint: think about how close it is to the sun.)
Venus is the brightest one in the sky.  This is because it is the closest planet to us, so it seems brighter.
Jupiter is the smallest one at the very top of the picture.  We know that Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system, so why do you think it's the smallest looking planet in the sky on nights like this?

For more info, click this link.   Also, this page here shows webcasts of the event so you can watch it even if you missed it. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Bowerbirds, glass, and space

Our class has been very busy studying many different things.  Among them was this, an accurate portrayal of all that has been researched about the universe.

Soon we will be studying constellations, which are patterns that the stars make in the night sky.  Check out the link to learn more!

We have also talked about Dale Chihuly, a famous glassmaker who lives here in Seattle!  Check out the video above to see some of his beautiful creations.

Finally, we talked about the Bowerbird, and some of the creative ways it decorates its nest.  Check out the video above!